Leaning Prints
Gabriel de Holanda avatar
Written by Gabriel de Holanda
Updated over a week ago

The print in the image is a classic case of leaning. It starts out ever so slightly but increases in “momentum”. This is not layer shifting, this problem got nicknamed “Leaning”.

Signs of leaning prints:

Usually a very slight but constant or proportionally increasing deviation along one axis. In contrast: a layer shift is a sudden singular(ish) occurrence at a much bigger scale.


Prints that are leaning to one side are usually caused by mechanical issues.

How to fix:

  • Slipping pulleys or gears or belts can cause the print to slightly shift and start leaning. Tighten pulleys/gears/belts to stop this happening.

  • Friction along the axis might cause it to lose steps. Just a few steps here and there, enough to make it lean. Clean and lubricate the axis so there’s no friction.

  • A misaligned printer frame or bed will result in a leaning print as well, check everything is as straight as possible.

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